January 30, 2019
I was walking down an aisle at our local grocery store and couldn't help but stop and pick up a box of conversation hearts; they are my absolute favorite. I definitely didn't need the box of sugar but they are always a must during this fun time time where we show those who matter how much we love and appreciate them.
When I was little, for as long as I can remember, my dad used to bring me a box of conversation hearts home each and every day while they were in stock at the convenient store he'd stop on his way to work. I would come home to a box laying on my bed or dresser and I'd add them to the pile. I could never eat a box a day so I basically had a pantry of hearts in my room. At the time, I never really appreciated the small little gesture that I hold so dearly now. Every time I see conversation hearts I think of him, walking into that store and along with whatever it was he was buying, he'd think of me and pick up a box. He was always good about doing little stuff like that.
It is those constant little gestures we do for one another that matter most and help us grasp onto what life is really about. My mom used to "tuck me in" every night before I'd fall asleep and never did I realize how important that was until I had my own children. Every night before I go to bed, I rest my finger on their forehead and make the sign of the cross, blessing and tucking them in for the night. I have done it since they were born. When I reach their bedside I can't help but giggle. They expect the blessing and as my finger raises to the top of their forehead so do their little eyes, straining as if they can actually see my finger make that sacred sign. It is a sweet moment that I get to close each and every day with.
I am realizing the same loving gestures I constantly do for my family are those that my parents did for me. Whether I'm leaving treats and notes on bedside tables or kissing them goodnight, I am instilling those same little moments I had with my parents. It truly is the little things. Hold tight and remember; I bet you'll find yourself doing those same acts in some way, shape, or form to your loved ones. As I continue to grieve the loss of my father, I find much comfort in these little things that I remember. One day, I hope my children can do the same.
While we enter into February and this month full of hearts, love, and loads of sugar, focus on the little things. I believe it is where we will find true meaning and purpose.